Personalized Hearing Protection & Earmolds in Colorado Springs

Custom Hearing Aid Earmolds
Many hearing aids require custom earpieces, which may enhance the quality of the hearing aid fitting by making it more comfortable as well as obtaining better sound quality. Hearing Consultants uses state-of-the-art technology to achieve more precise measurement of the ear canal to ensure the perfect fit.
Custom Hearing Protection
For construction workers, landscapers, motorcyclists, hunters, musicians, and many more, the risk of irreversible ear damage is very real. Be safe and don’t take your hearing for granted. Safeguard your hearing with custom hearing protection and custom earmolds with our trusted audiologists at Hearing Consultants of Colorado Springs.
Understanding Custom Fit Hearing Protection
Custom hearing protection shields your hearing from long-term damage. For those routinely exposed to very loud environments, proper custom hearing protection measures are imperative. The most hazardous noises include prolonged or intense, sudden exposure to truck or jet engines, construction tools, lawnmowers, concert music, and gunshots.
How Loud Is Too Loud?
It can be challenging to determine just how loud is too loud. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), noise exposure levels should never exceed 70 decibels during a period of 24 hours or 85 decibels over one hour. These are the best practices to reduce the risk of hearing impairment.
Symptoms of Hearing Damage
Hearing damage can be gradual or sudden. Most notice hearing changes progressively with consistent exposure to damaging noise. If you experience any of the following for longer than 24 hours, it’s important to see an audiologist:
- Muffled hearing or a stuffy sensation in the ear
- Ringing or buzzing (tinnitus)
- Ear pain
- Abrupt noise sensitivity
Can You Prevent Hearing Damage?
When it comes to safeguarding your hearing, it’s essential to be proactive. While you cannot always control the noise around you, you can control how the exposure impacts your hearing. To protect your ears from excessive sound levels and to limit your exposure to hazardous noise, custom molded hearing protection is strongly recommended.
Custom Hearing Protection Can Help
Custom hearing protection is designed according to the patient’s unique needs and ear size. These devices, including custom earmolds or earplugs, work by minimizing the intensity of the sounds around you. In contrast to popular belief, hearing protection does not eliminate sound entirely, allowing you to still experience the sounds of your surroundings.
Types of Custom Hearing Protection
Store-bought earplugs may offer some degree of protection against long-term or intense exposure to damaging sounds. However, they cannot compete with the protection of comfortable, custom-tailored devices designed by an audiologist. Audiologists offer the most effective protection with custom earmolds crafted to the size and shape of your ear.
Exploring the Styles of Custom Earmolds
Similar to standard earplugs, custom earmolds come in an array of sizes and shapes. They can be soft, spongy, or solid and come in canal to full-shell styles based on the patient’s needs and preferences. Half-shell models are suitable for mid-level sound exposure, whereas full-shell models boast maximum protection for high-level sounds.
Custom Earmolds With Filtered Attenuators
Many patients opt for custom earmolds equipped with filtered attenuators. These additions facilitate communication while protecting the person’s hearing. These earmolds can be electronic or non-electronic and are commonly used for musicians over earbud headphones, pilots under their boom mics, and various other specialty applications.
Preserve Your Hearing With Hearing Consultants of Colorado Springs
At Hearing Consultants of Colorado Springs, we are dedicated to our patients’ hearing health. We offer a number of custom hearing protection devices, including:
- Electronic musician monitoring earmolds
- Sleep earmolds
- Swim plug earmolds
- Hunting protection earmolds
- Music and noise reduction earmolds
- Industrial noise protection earmolds
- Cellphone and hands-free device earmolds
Custom Earmolds for Musicians
For musicians, nothing is more important than ensuring you’re hitting the right note. Whether on stage or in your garage, protecting your hearing without compromising your music is essential. That’s why we provide innovative hearing protection technology designed to give musicians control over their monitors’ volume while protecting their ears.
A Trusted Custom Earmold Company
Custom earplugs by Hearing Consultants of Colorado Springs are custom hearing protection devices designed solely for the ear canal. They can be solid or soft to enable sound to penetrate without damaging the hearing. Earplugs are crafted using an impression of the patient’s ear canal to ensure maximum comfort and performance.
Contact Our Audiologists to Safeguard Your Hearing
No matter your lifestyle, when you need extra hearing protection, look to Hearing Consultants of Colorado Springs. With our custom hearing protection devices, we help you enjoy the sounds of your surroundings without compromising the integrity of your hearing. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with a hearing specialist.
Hearing Consultants of Colorado Springs
6375 Lehman Drive, Suite 100
Colorado Springs, CO 80918
Phone: 719-633-1494
Fax: 719-633-8129
Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Tuesday: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Wednesday: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Thursday: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Friday: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM