Patient Forms
Communication Strategies
Families can use these strategies to help keep the lines of communication open between those that are suffering from hearing loss.
For Individuals With Hearing Loss
- Tell others how best to talk with you
- Face your audience directly
- Position with back-lighting
- Anticipate and make a plan for difficult situations
- Pay attention
- Concentrate on the speaker
- Integrate visual and written cues
- Ask for clarification
- Acknowledge when communication is not understood
- Defer conversation when fatigued
- Show appreciation for the efforts made when others assist you
For Individuals Conversing With Those Who Have Hearing Loss
- Get attention first
- Face and speak directly
- Position for face-lighting
- Avoid noisy environments
- Ask how to facilitate communication
- Refrain from shouting
- Speak clearly at a moderate pace
- Keep mouth cues clear
- Use facial expressions and gestures
- Rephrase if communication is not understood
- Give cues when changing subjects in conversation
- Be patient if response is slow
- Stay positive and relaxed
- Be respectful
Hearing Consultants of Colorado Springs
6375 Lehman Drive, Suite 100
Colorado Springs, CO 80918
Phone: 719-633-1494
Fax: 719-633-8129
Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Tuesday: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Wednesday: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Thursday: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Friday: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM