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Hearing Loss Treatment in Colorado Springs, CO

Impaired hearing can affect your mental health and quality of life. Fortunately, you do not have to navigate this journey alone. Discover personalized hearing loss treatment with Hearing Consultants of Colorado Springs. Our audiologists specialize in the latest treatments for hearing loss in Colorado Springs, CO.

Comprehensive Audiological Care

To protect and uphold the quality of your hearing, look no further than Hearing Consultants of Colorado Springs. Leveraging the latest industry advancements, we are Colorado Springs’ premier choice for personalized audiological care. We specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of sudden hearing loss, new hearing loss,  and those with long-term hearing impairments.

Understanding Hearing Loss

Hearing loss impacts millions of individuals of all ages and walks of life. It can start from birth or occur later in life. Hearing loss can be sudden or gradual. Some of the common factors that contribute to hearing loss include the natural aging process, prolonged noise exposure, genetics, injuries, infections, and illness.

Types of Hearing Loss

There are two primary types of hearing loss: sensorineural and conductive. Sensorineural hearing loss refers to damage to the hearing nerve in the inner ear. In contrast, conductive hearing loss affects the middle or outer portion of the ear, reducing the ability of sound waves from reaching the inner ear.

Sensorineural Hearing Loss Treatments

Individuals diagnosed with sensorineural hearing loss often experience hearing impairments related to aging, loud noise exposure, ear trauma, disease, or genetic conditions. Treatment for hearing loss related to these issues often involves hearing aids.

Conductive Hearing Loss Treatments

Conductive hearing loss is sometimes reversible with prompt diagnosis and treatment. It may derive from congenital or hereditary issues, infection, eardrum injuries, an accumulation of fluid, excess earwax, or if the ear canal becomes obstructed by a foreign object. These concerns may be alleviated with earwax removal , medication, surgical intervention, or hearing aids.

Hearing Loss Evaluations

The first step towards achieving the right treatment for hearing loss is to schedule a hearing evaluation. At Hearing Consultants of Colorado Springs, we are equipped with a diverse range of state-of-the-art audiological technology. This equipment enables us to provide precise diagnostic hearing assessments and tailored hearing loss treatments.

Evaluation and Treatment Options Provided by Hearing Consultants.

At Hearing Consultants of Colorado Springs, we employ a gold standard  approach to hearing evaluations and consultations. Typical components involved in our evaluation process include:

  • Consultation and medical history assessment
  • Microscopic ear examination to detect abnormalities, blockages, or signs of infection
  • Audiogram (hearing test)
  • Tympanometry (air pressure test)
  • Acoustic reflexes
  • Otoacoustic Emissions testing
  • Tinnitus evaluation (if required)
  • Balance and vestibular testing (if required)
  • Electrophysiology (if required)
  • Speech audiometry
Doctor checking up patients ears

Addressing Hearing Loss

Seeking treatment for hearing loss is important for individuals with all degrees of hearing loss.   . It is important to seek professional intervention as early as possible. At Hearing Consultants of Colorado Springs, we encourage patients to be proactive with their hearing.

Hearing Loss Symptoms

Hearing loss begins with minor changes in the way you experience sounds. Common symptoms include:

  • Challenges hearing on the phone
  • Asking those around you for repetition
  • Difficulty hearing when in background noise such as a restaurant
  • The TV is too loud or not clear
  • Ringing sounds
  • Trouble following multi-person conversations
  • Feeling that others mumble or don’t speak clearly
  • Difficulty understanding the speech of women or children

Personalized Hearing Loss Treatments

With unparalleled experience and a commitment to audiological innovations, Hearing Consultants of Colorado Springs provides a range of hearing loss treatments. Our experts are well-versed in identifying, diagnosing, and addressing various ear and balance issues. With comprehensive consultations and personalized care, trust us to provide you with the latest treatment for hearing loss.

Schedule Your Audiology Evaluation & Hearing Loss Treatment

If you are experiencing symptoms of hearing loss, Hearing Consultants of Colorado Springs is here to help. Preserve the quality and clarity of your hearing with comprehensive hearing loss treatments and our trusted audiologists in Colorado Springs, CO. To schedule a hearing  evaluation, contact our friendly experts today.

Contact Hearing Consultants to Schedule an Appointment Today