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Real Ear and Live Speech Mapping Treatment in Colorado Springs, CO

Hearing aid fittings formerly required an evaluation consisting of generic targets which are unable to accommodate the unique anatomy and volume requirements for each patient.. Hearing Consultants of Colorado Springs is here to introduce a more effective approach to hearing aid programming that leverages innovative advancements. It’s time to discover real ear and live speech mapping as part of each hearing aid fitting  with our audiologists in Colorado Springs, CO.

Your Source for Advanced Hearing Care

Optimize how you experience life with our trusted audiologists in Colorado Springs, CO. Hearing Consultants of Colorado Springs is your source for personalized hearing care. With decades of experience and a commitment to industry-leading hearing advancements, we provide an array of comprehensive treatments to manage and correct various hearing-related issues and impairments.

Discover Fine-Tuned Hearing Aid Evaluations

Hearing Consultants of Colorado Springs is harnessing the transformative power of new hearing aid technology to ensure the highest standards of care for our patients. We are proud to introduce our real ear and live speech mapping evaluations as part of your hearing healthcare treatment. This modern innovation enables us to fine-tune hearing aid fittings to achieve precise programming and optimized results.

What Is Real Ear and Live Speech Mapping?

Speech mapping is an audiological treatment that supports improved hearing aid programming and fitting. This state-of-the-art technology enables audiologists to capture real-time visualizations of speech signals as they enter a patient’s ear. Using this hearing representation, we can provide instantaneous and individualized hearing aid adjustments to achieve improved speech sound clarity and quality.

Understanding Real Ear and Live Speech Mapping

Real ear and live speech mapping  involves a small microphone probe and the assistance of a familiar voice or phonetically balance speech set. The microphone probe is placed in the patient’s ear canal  along side the patient’s hearing aids to collect speech sound data. The data is then instantly delivered to our monitoring screen, providing our audiologists with accurate visual displays of the sounds entering the ear.

The Real Ear and Live Speech Mapping Process

During your appointment ,a phonetically balanced  paragraph will be read while the probe microphone is placed in your ear. While you listen, our audiologist will assess your audible range discrepancies while observing the real-time data transmitted to our screen. We will then program your hearing aids to align with your specific speech sound requirements.

The Importance of Real ear and Live Speech Mapping

Speech mapping eliminates the guesswork of conventional hearing aid fittings. This process enables us to detect and address the areas of speech that are not being accurately transmitted by the patient’s hearing aids. We can then implement precise programming measures to immediately enhance the function of the patient’s hearing aids.

image for hearing, health

Empowering Patient Understanding

Individuals with hearing loss often do not recognize the extent of their hearing impairment. Speech mapping is beneficial in these cases as it enables patients to visualize their hearing abilities with real-time feedback during their fitting. This approach empowers individuals and their loved ones to be engaged in the hearing aid programming process.

The Advantages of Real Ear and Live Speech Mapping

Speech mapping offers an individualized hearing aid programming experience. In contrast to conventional fittings, Speech mapping seldom requires multiple hearing aid mapping sessions. The immediate results and improved hearing quality achieved through speech mapping fosters precise adjustments that contribute to increased quality of life.

Explore the Benefits of Real Ear and Live Speech Mapping

Speech mapping is a critical part of the hearing aid fitting process. . The benefits of this innovative technology include:

  • Precise programming for tangible speech sound results
  • Patient-centric approach that engages individuals and their loved ones in the fitting process
  • Instant feedback for streamlined adjustments
  • Reduced need for recurring adjustments
  • Enhanced comfort and confidence
  • Positive patient experience

How to Get Started with Real Ear and Live Speech Mapping

At Hearing Consultants of Colorado Springs, speech mapping  is prompt and straightforward. It can be used for those with existing hearing aids and individuals recently diagnosed with hearing impairments who are getting hearing aids for the first time. To get started, schedule a consultation with our trusted audiologists at Hearing Consultants.

Hearing Consultants of Colorado Springs’ Real Ear and Live Speech Mapping

With a commitment to personalized audiological care, Hearing Consultants of Colorado Springs provides comprehensive speech mapping during hearing aid fittings and reprogramming appointments.. With a patient-centric experience, our process includes:

  • Hearing aid programming and adjustments
  • Adjustment verification

Get Started With Real Ear and Live Speech Mapping

You deserve to experience the sounds of life to the fullest. Invest in the clarity and quality of your hearing with our compassionate audiologists at Hearing Consultants of Colorado Springs. Contact our friendly team today to learn more or schedule your speech mapping evaluation.

Contact Hearing Consultants to Schedule an Appointment Today