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Custom Ear Plugs & Earmolds in Colorado Springs, CO

Sudden or extensive exposure to loud noise is a significant reason behind hearing loss. Fortunately, with proactive intervention, hearing loss can be avoided. To preserve the quality of your hearing, look to Hearing Consultants of Colorado Springs. Our audiologists provide custom ear plugs and earmolds in Colorado Springs, CO.

Preserve the Quality of Your Hearing

Whether you work in a noisy environment, spend your free time target shooting, or listen to loud music, proper hearing protection is crucial. It’s important to be proactive to preserve the quality of your hearing before irreversible hearing loss occurs. That’s where Hearing Consultants of Colorado Springs comes in.

Customized Hearing Protection

Earmolds are not solely reserved for those with existing hearing impairments. Personalized earmolds are an excellent option for those seeking to preserve the integrity of their hearing. Hearing Consultants of Colorado Springs offers a number of custom-molded ear plugs and earmold designs to mitigate the risks of prolonged or abrupt exposure to damaging noise levels.

Understanding Custom Earmolds

Earmolds are traditionally known to support comfortable hearing aid wear for those with significant loss or retention issues. However, that is not all they can be used for. Custom-fitted ear plugs or earmolds can provide efficient hearing protection to satisfy a range of specific needs. With numerous styles available, they can be used for tailored hearing protection for a range of high-noise activities and careers.

Details of Custom Fitted Ear Plugs

Unlike store-bought ear plugs, our audiologists specialize in custom fitting ear plugs. Earmolds are designed using precise measurements and impressions of the patient’s ear canal. This ensures a snug fit and secure seal to protect against loud noises and/or water intrusion, with the added benefits of seamless wear, enhanced comfort, and long-lasting durability.

Man with Custom Ear Plugs

Reasons for Personalized Earmolds or Custom Ear Plugs

There are many reasons to pursue custom-fitted ear plugs. However, they are particularly important for those at a higher-risk of hearing damage and those with sensitive hearing, including:

  • Individuals who work in high-noise environments
  • Musicians and concert enthusiasts
  • Swimmers and other water sports athletes
  • Target shooters/hunters
  • Light sleepers

Exploring Earmold Options

At Hearing Consultants of Colorado Springs, we take pride in our ability to accommodate our patients’ unique hearing protection requirements and objectives. Our audiologists provide a wide spectrum of custom-molded ear plugs and personalized earmold designs, including:

  • Canal earmolds
  • Half shell earmolds
  • Full shell earmolds
  • Skeleton earmolds
  • Semi-skeleton earmolds
  • Helix lock earmolds

Hearing Aid Earmolds

We provide several  earmold options to encourage a secure fit and improved hearing aid sound quality.. Custom earmolds can be soft or hard, and are designed to be attached with behind-the-ear and receiver-in-the-canal hearing aids..


Full & Half-Shell Earmolds

Full-shell earmolds are ideal for individuals with moderate to severe hearing impairments. They are designed to fill the majority of the ear canal and concha to reduce feedback. Those with mild hearing loss may opt for half-shell earmolds, which also reduce feedback but offer better retention if necessary..

Skeleton & Semi-Skeleton Earmolds

Skeleton earmolds are suitable for mild-to-severe hearing loss. These earmolds resemble full-shell designs but with a hollow center. Skeleton earmolds are worn in the ear canal and concha bowl and can be made out of soft or hard materials which  act as a seal. For individuals with dexterity challenges, we provide semi-skeleton earmolds without the back ring portion of the standard skeleton design.

Custom Ear Plugs for Swimmers

Hearing Consultants of Colorado Springs provides custom-molded ear plugs for water protection. Unlike generic earplugs, these tailored earmolds are custom designed according to the size and shape of your ear canal for a secure fit. Custom-fitting ear plugs for swimming prevent water intrusion by tightly sealing the ear canal without compromising comfort.

Custom Shooting Ear Plugs

If your hobbies include target shooting or seasonal hunting, it’s time to get proactive about your hearing protection. Hearing Consultants of Colorado Springs provides custom ear plugs for shooting. These individualized earmolds allow you to still hear game and environmental sounds while protecting your hearing from the damaging noise that comes after pulling the trigger.

Advanced Earmold Options

In addition to ear plugs for hearing loss, shooting, and swimming, we offer specialty earmolds for musicians and individuals exposed to high-noise environments. We provide electronic and non-electronic earmolds with filtered attenuators to preserve hearing health without infringing on communication. Additionally, we offer custom options for light sleepers, motorcycle riders, pilots, broadcasters, and many other specialized custom earpieces needs.

To Protect Your Hearing, Get in Touch with Our Audiologists

Prioritize your hearing health and quality of life with Hearing Consultants of Colorado Springs. Our highly knowledgeable audiologists are here to help you discover the right personalized earmolds and custom-molded ear plugs for your specific lifestyle and needs. Contact our team today to schedule a consultation.

Contact Hearing Consultants to Schedule an Appointment Today